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AwhiteUFOa ndabird.Lausan [瞳子さん]

A white UFO and a bird. Lausanne, Switzerland.

Witness description:
\I was on my balcony with my camera, and I was looking at the western sky. I saw a raptor bird flying 45° on the horizon and started filming it. Immediately, I saw a bright white dot (sphere) to the left and above the bird that seemed to be interested in the bird as it moved aiming at the bird. The two got closer and the UFO surprised the bird by passing a few centimeters under its left wing (see the video and its photos), the bird was afraid, but it continues its flight towards the east and passes over the dwelling where I live, the UFO turns and goes back in the direction of the bird as if to catch up with it and also passes over the building.
PS: still from my balcony, I filmed a lot of white spheres and I have captured a lot of videos since April 16, 2023, I have also seen and filmed several times an orange sphere that came from west to east. It was with great pleasure that I would meet serious people to explain myself.
Yvan Furbringer / Lausanne_Suisse.\

Source: mufon
Filmed in Lausanne, Switzerland. 7/30/2022
Many thanks to the author of the original video.

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